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  Here in our happy little community we have several great neighbors that we've become friends with, but one in particular are the Fairbanks. They live next door and our kids play, we have dinners together, hang out and so on.
  The other day as I was getting home from the grocery store, the kids were all playing outside as usual and a few of them ran up to the car. Taevin quickly informed me that Taylor (the Fairbanks 5 year old daughter) was his "girlfriend", I looked at Taylor who nodded and grinned ever so innocently. I said "Really? So what do boyfriends and girlfriends do together?" He said "We kiss on the cheek". After a quick reminder that although cheeks are ok but kissing on the lips is not allowed, they assured me that they would not kiss on the lips until they were 17, I guess I can live with that.
  Later Tasia told me that when they broke the news to her, she told Taevin to tell Justin, when he looked at him, Taevin got shy and ran away. I only mention this because I was surprised at how instinctive it was for him to be nervous around a girl's daddy!
  I'm thrilled at his choice for a first girlfriend, let's just hope he continues to have such good taste. Now comes the harsh reality that I am no longer the only girl in his life.


  1. Sienna will be so sad to hear this news :)

  2. Ha ha ha. They're definitely two of the cutest kids I know. :0)


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