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The Hoax of 2020

  My last post was in March. It was the beginning of the "pandemic" as people are calling it, but over the last several months, it has become alarmingly clear that our country is changing, and not in a way that anyone ever expected or wanted. America used to stand for freedom, and we were proud of that, but this virus has been used by people and politicians as a means to get gain & power, defy the constitution and steal the freedoms of the American people. The COVID-19 virus, although real and somewhat dangerous, has become a modern-day secret combination. 

  Here in Utah, and several other states, we are being forced by tyrannical governors to mask our faces, despite the massive scientific evidence that they not only are ineffective in preventing the spread of this disease or any other, but are highly detrimental to both the physical and mental/emotional well being of people. The survival rate of COVID patients is 99.97% as of the last study, yet mental illness, child trafficking, domestic violence and suicide are at an all-time high due to government shut-downs, masks and isolation. Small business are suffering and the economy is tanking, and for the first time in American history, voter fraud is happing all over the country. Forced compliance, which is not only unconstitutional, but completely defies God's plan of agency, is on the rise, and many are too blinded by the media's agenda to see that they have been fooled into giving up their freedoms, and I fear that once those seeking power have succeeded, we will never be able to get those rights back without a war. 

  These are things that have been prophesied for many years, and as I have studied the Book of Mormon and prayed for answers, I have felt strongly impressed that these times truly are fulfilling prophecies. I told Russ the other day that one would think that the opportunity to live through the fulfillment prophecy would be exciting, but turns out these last days are scary. I'm scared that my children and grandchildren will grow up without the freedoms that I've enjoyed throughout my life. I'm scared that wars are imminent, and that my children will one day have to fight to protect their families and their freedoms.

  This is not something that I could've ever imagined, but despite the anxiety I feel during these times, Jesus is my constant. He will come again, and hopefully soon, our world needs Him. As we move forward, I will make more of an effort to find the joy, and teach my kids where they can turn for peace.


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